Home > Technology, The Plus Project > The Plus Project: Jonathan Greene

The Plus Project: Jonathan Greene

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Today I’ve selected Jonathan Greene for the Plus Project. Jonathan is a group account director living in New York with his wife Ashley and their three children. He is an intentional early adopter of new technology, with a goal of identifying those products and services that may be a good opportunity for clients. He specializes in mobile technologies, and social media and entertainment. Jonathan is an avid cyclist, having recently completed a 63 1/2 mile tour of the Catskills, and he averages anywhere from 100 to 200 miles of cycling each week. You can see his cycling progress and history on Dailymile or on Strava. He posts often at atmasphere.net, where he blogs about technology, mobile services and apps, and of course cycling. Jonathan tweets @atmasphere where he shares his cycling progress, as well as any number of thoughts on technology and the web, and he shares an incredible number of photos of his home, family, and geek interests on Flickr. Last.fm says that he listens to roughly one album worth of music every day on average, and he seems particularly fond of Groove Armada and Radiohead, as well as numerous other awesome artists (I’m totally adding you on last.fm, BTW). You can follow Jonathan’s traveling adventures on Foursquare, add him as a friend on Facebook, or if you need some consulting done you can connect on LinkedIn. I love the way that Jonathan is so inspired by emerging technologies, and how committed he is to a sport that he loves. If you would like a little inspiration, I think you’ll find it by adding him to your circles.

Jonathan Greene on Google+

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